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Firstly, thank you for visiting my website! I'll answer a few questions you may already have in mind.

Whats behind the name pulse_photographic?

In all honesty, as I was looking through my 1st ever albums at the start of my photography venture, the name pulse_photographic hit me out of nowhere! We all need a pulse to be alive right?! And here I am, living my passion through taking photos, so, pulse_photographic was set in stone! My motto -


''Life through the lens''

What sets me apart from other photographers?

I work entirely on location. I don't have studio, so all my photography is taken outside, at weddings, events, wherever my clients take me which is so exciting, and makes every shoot unique.

I have always spent a lot of my spare time outdoors. I love the natural beauty that surrounds us everywhere. I see every landscape, every season as an opportunity to create beautiful portraits. By allowing my clients the natural freedom of a scenic on location shoot, I'm not only photographing the beauty in them, but the beauty all around them in 1 shot!

Who's behind the camera?

I am no highly educated professional! I started out completely self taught and have since progressed to completing my Level Two in photography with Jessops Training Academy in Norwich.

I am a mum to Two little ones, just doing a job I get great satisfaction out of, working hard to create opportunities for myself and family.

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