Life Through The Lens

And now for the boring bit!
Terms and conditions of booking and ownership of photographs:
All bookings for on location photoshoots will require a non refundable deposit agreed at time of booking via paypal, or sent to my home address by cheque.
Ownership of photos: The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 provides that the author of a photograph is the person who creates it. The author will be the first holder of the copyright in the photograph unless this was created in the course of employment in which case the employer will own the copyright. Pulse_photographic reserves the right to use photographs for advertising and portfolio purposes. Personal images will not be sold on to third parties. All images are supplied either onto a USB memory stick with free range of use, or uploaded on to social media with permission from client. Contract of terms and conditions can be given out as a written statement on request, but, generally sent via email at time of booking.
Above is the beautiful Brooke, taken at the grounds of Lynford Hall
in Norfolk, situated between the historic town of Thetford & the small market town of Swaffham.